Speculative poetry contains elements of science fiction, fantasy, horror, surrealism, and more. Not all of my poetry is speculative, but quite a bit is.
"World-Lines," Eye to the Telescope, Issue 31, January 15, 2018.
"Giants in the Earth," Star*Line 42.1, Winter 2019. Pushcart nominated!
"Balancing Act," with D. A. Xiaolin Spires and Gretchen Tessmer,
Star*Line 42.1, Winter 2019. Dwarf Star nominated!
"Under the Ice," Dreams & Nightmares #111, January 2019.
"Dying Dust," Three Line Poetry #50, February 24, 2019.
"Tessellation," Silver Blade #41, March 1, 2019.
"Children of the Trees," Polu Texni: A Magazine of Many Arts,
March 11, 2019. Rhysling nominated!
"Veritas and Errata," NewMyths #46, March 16, 2019.
"The Reliquary," Liminality #19, Spring 2019.
"The Journey," Polu Texni, April 2, 2019. Rhysling nominated!
"Lost Whispers," Heron Tree, April 14, 2019.
"Eros Ascendant," Star*Line 42.2, Winter 2019.
"The Fruit of Life and Death," Nothing's Sacred #5, June 2019,
Jack of No Trades Productions.
"A Mask of Ice," Eternal Haunted Summer, June 21, 2019.
"A Maze of Mind and Marble," Liminality #21, September 23, 2019.
"A Shroud to a Wedding," Dreams & Nightmares #113, September 2019.
"We Flower in Darkness," Macabre Museum Volume 1, issue 1, October 31, 2019. (Amazon)
"Midnight Train," Poetry Quarterly #36, Winter 2018,
"Apotemniphilia," HWA Poetry Showcase, Vol. VI, November 2019.
"Sea Bride," Frozen Wavelets #1, December 13, 2019.
"Always More to Break," Silver Blade #44, December 28, 2019.